1st Semester MCQ _ EDU 02

EDU 02: Developmental Perspectives of the Learner -MCQ

1. I am primarily interested in thinking processess; I am a ________ psychologist?
a. Cognitive       b. Learning
c.  Personality   d. Perception
Ans: a
2. Of the following, who is associated with the Gestalt school of psychology?
a. Pavlov            b. Watson
c. Skinner          d. Max wertheimer
Ans: d
3. "The whole is greater than the sum of its part " is represented by which of the following?
a. The Gestalt psychology
b. The Behaviorists
c. The Structuralists
d. The Functionalists
Ans: a
4. Psychologists are all_______?
a. Scientists         b. Practitioners
c. Both scientists and practitioners
d. Either scientists or practitioners
Ans: d
5. Of the following who was a structuralist?
a. Skinner               b. Watson
c. William James     d. Wilhelm Wundt
Ans : d
6.Behaviorism helped make psychology a _________
a. Fad                        b. Science
c. Specialty               d. Behaviour
Ans : b
7. The kind of theraphy developed by Freud is called
a. S-R theraphy
b. Gestalt theraphy
c. Psychoanalysis
d. Behavior modification.
Ans: c
8. The founder of first psychological laboratory was
a. J. B  Watson            b. Skinner
c. Sigmund Freud      d. Wilhelm Wundt
Ans : d
9. ----------psychology is concerned with thinking language and problem solving
a. Behaviorists          b. Humanistic
c. Psychoanalytic      d. Cognitive
Ans : d
10. William James wrote principles of psychology and founded
a. Structuralism     b. Behaviorism
c. Functionalism     d.Humaniam
Ans : c
11. Howard Gardner theorizes that there are _________ different kinds of intelligence
a.   8        b.  3    c.  120   d.   2
Ans : 8
12. According to Freud the energy from life instincts that drives personality is called the
a. Ego               b. Libido
c. Life force    d. Eros
Ans : b
13. I Q may be defined as
a. MA/CA×100        b. CA/MA×100
b. MA/100×CA        d.  MA×CA×100
Ans : a
14. Manu has a mental age of 8 and a chronological age of 10.  Manu's IQ is
a. 108     b. 125   c.  80    d. 92
Ans: c
15. During the first year of life the child is said to go through the________ stage
a. Oral                b. Anal
c. Genital          d. Phallic
Ans: a
